Henry Rollins: “For me punk rock was finding out that my life had a soundtrack”

For me punk rock was finding out that my life had a soundtrack. I realised that my ship had come in, that I had a tribe, that I had back up. I was like 17 or 18 when I discovered that music. I’ve never recovered from that initial whack.

I come from the minimum wage working world … so I got into all of this via punk rock from, basically, a guy who used to park your car or clean up after your animal. So I have nothing to lose.

Source: Henry Rollins: Still angry after all these years – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Salad Days: A Decade of Punk in Washington, DC (1980-90)

Utilitarian, easy to understand, and difficult to corrupt – Henry Rollins on Dischord

If you haven’t had the chance to see Salad Days: A Decade of Punk in Washington, DC (1980-90) yet, put it on your to-do list. It’s a fascinating look at a punk community that would go on to influence many others. And it has a powerful message about community.

The documentary features interviews with the DC punk and music community including Ian MacKaye, Jeff Nelson, Henry Rollins, Dante Ferrando, Skipp Groff, Don Zientera, Jenny Toomey, Mark Robinson, Jason Farrell, Fred Armisen, John Stabb, Amy Pickering, Mark Andersen, Brendan Canty, Geoff Turner, Brian Baker, Dave Grohl, Kim Coletta, Craig Wedren, and J. Robbins

The film was directed by Scott Crawford, who began attending shows in D.C. before he could drive, and produced by Jim Saah, who has been photographing bands in D.C. since the early 1980s.

They included some pretty great live footage in the doc including Minor Threat, S.O.A., VoidBad BrainsGovernment Issue, Fire Party, Marginal Man, Soulside, ScreamFaithRites of SpringMarginal Man, Jawbox, Nation of Ulysses, Shudder to Think, and Fugazi.

Jim Saah, Salad Days producer and photographer, and Mark Robinson of Unrest and TeenBeat Records taking questions from the audience.

Jim Saah, Salad Days producer and photographer, and Mark Robinson of Unrest and TeenBeat Records taking questions from the audience at The Somerville Theatre.

Rock Shop is pleased to present an encore screening on Tuesday, July 7 at The Somerville Theatre at 7:30pm. Tickets are available at The Somerville Box Office and online here.

Here’s a list of upcoming screenings of Salad Days.